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Learning Management System (LMS) is an integrated system that enables the management of educational contents, monitoring of learners and teachers, and individualization of learning and teaching processes. They provide functions such as presenting learning material, sharing and discussing the presented learning material, managing lessons, taking homework, taking exams, providing feedback on these assignments and exams, editing learning materials, keeping student, teacher and system records, and taking reports. The LMS software is not only the website responsible for publishing the educational content. This system is also responsible for managing education / training activities. In short, it is a program that provides all kinds of services necessary for establishing and providing a school in a virtual environment.
In distance education, especially in e-Learning processes, all teaching processes and resources are included within an LMS. Open source software called Moodle ve and ALMS yazılım software are used as LMS in the teaching services provided within our center. In online courses, "Adobe Connect" software and "Perculus" software are used. These softwares are integrated with each other. In this way, students who cannot attend the online courses can easily access the old course registrations via LMS.

Ege Üniversitesi